yellowstone what if i use a gun to protect myself

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  1. Hi, I am reading an article that I am thinking is a scare article meant to deter gun owners from executing their 2nd amendment rights.. However, I was hoping some of the legal experts or those who are more knowledgeable in the gun laws of National Parks here can tell me if the writer of this article is spewing anti-gun propaganda or if, in fact, the person is maxim the truth of the situation. The article claims that fifty-fifty though you conduct a gun in Yellowstone NP, if you use it, you volition be looking at prison fourth dimension for killing wildlife, even if information technology is in self-defence. I would remember this would get confronting the very virtue of our constitution and 2d Amendment rights. I also never knew an beast had the right to kill a man and a human could non observe any means necessary to subdue the threat. Something seems very fishy virtually this article and I'd be interested to hear what people have to say. I am considering going to Yellowstone at the stop of this summer and would like to know well-nigh this issue. Considering, there was a fatal behave attack just recently in the park, I will be packing my S&Westward 460 or S&W 629 on a breast holster, forth with bear spray. I as well know in Wyoming y'all can behave rifles with you, only I am thinking these are still off-limits in National Parks.

    The article:

    Too, Xanterra, supposedly will ban firearms from their hotels/campsites. How can i visitor have jurisdiction to dominion over our National Parks? Do they really take any legal weight to foreclose you lot from carrying a firearm with yous? What are Wyoming's gun laws like compared to Oregon's? I am told in Oregon, the worst they tin exercise is tell you to get out. They cannot prosecute for simply carrying a gun onto their property, unless you decline to leave.

  2. While I may agree with the writer well-nigh the state laws(I don't know the laws in those iii states), and I may concord with the writer well-nigh the anti-poaching laws(I don't know those laws, only they sound reasonable), I practise know an anti-NRA argument when I see i, and that ane is clearly anti NRA.

    Makes the writer and the whole article suspect.

  3. As I sympathise information technology, it is also illegal to shoot someone while in a National Park. Scary, isn't information technology?

    Yes, I suspect that recreational shooting, hunting, and even murder are illegal in national parks. And that if y'all shoot someone in self-defence force, you may be arrested until it is clear you acted in self-defense...or until the jury acquits you.

    Just like everywhere else. What a shocking exposé--real, hard journalism, that!

    I think the commodity was meant to discourage folks from taking potshots at wildlife that wanders near their campsite "because I was in fearfulness for my life!" (as if anyone needed that alert; at that place are so many assumptions that gun carriers are stupid and trigger-happy). If you shoot a grizzly in the park, you will have a lot to answer for--maybe brand certain y'all've got teeth marks.

    Please be enlightened, too, that while yous tin carry into National Parks (if you bide by state police), you cannot acquit into whatsoever federal buildings in that park (outhouses excluded). IANAL

    Last edited: Jul 22, 2011
  4. I alive in Missouri, and so I have a MO CCL - which is accepted in all three I'm covered in that location.

    At present, if I'm hiking in Yellowstone I would have bear spray and a .44. If anyone in their right heed thinks that I would be torn between breaking the constabulary or pulling the trigger on a mauling conduct, well............

    Lawmakers make America dumber by the hour it seems.

  5. Woah, await. There are numerous threads on the subject of wild-animal defense which take covered this issue, and Loosedhorse has this exactly right in mail service iii.

    You lot are NOT allowed to shoot wild fauna out of season, without a license, and/or in protected areas.

    However, self-defense trumps those laws -- merely like a successful self-defense merits trumps the laws against shooting a human, assault, firing a gun within city limits, and other laws that would normally utilise.

    If you lot shoot a wild animal in self-defense force yous must notify the rangers most the incident and follow their rules on treatment the carcass -- and will be subject to their investigation into the affair. Expect to be dealing with that for several days.

    They do not put anything like the kind of investigative pressure into the affair that your local District Attorney's office would put into investigating your claim of self-defence force in shooting another person -- merely they ARE going to try to establish whether yous were legitimately threatened and felt you needed to defend yourself, or if you were just plinking targets of opportunity like a jerk.

    No, if a conduct charges you and you shoot and kill it, you aren't going to jail.

    BUT, if you're shooting wildlife just for kicks, they're going to prosecute you for that -- and rightly and then.

    Final edited: Jul 22, 2011
  6. Note that many reporters who write for newspapers know very little about guns in full general, and very little well-nigh gun-control laws. What they write is written from their own indicate of view nigh guns and from their own very limited understanding.

    Certain, verify every bit best you lot can when you lot read something "weird", but don't go overly excited well-nigh information technology.

  7. That commodity is from some time agone. I think the hysteria has largely died down. I know that terminal summer (2010) in I was asked about firearms while getting a backcountry permit in North Cascades NP, and at that place was no hassle at all - simply a friendly reminder that target shooting wasn't allowed, along with the 47 other regs about camping nearly streams, campfires, yadda, yadda.

    No, if a carry charges you and you lot shoot and kill information technology, you aren't going to jail.

    But, if you're shooting wildlife just for kicks, they're going to prosecute you for that -- and rightly so.

    Spot on, I'd say. Retrieve, in Yellowstone, even if the WY federal attorney charged you, y'all'd accept a WY jury. A legit defensive shooting is not going to raise eyebrows. OTOH, if y'all're from Joisey and trying to explain you shot the fawn in self defence force ...

  8. OP, I've been to YNP a couple times. Had bears come through my camp multiple times the last time I was out there. A blackbear and a grizzly both with no incident. Just study upward on bear and wildlife safety both in your campsite and on the trail. Stop at any sporting goods store and get a tin can of bear spray (kind of expensive, just if unused, can be returned subsequently the trip for a refund.) You tin legally take firearms in the park, but a gun and/or spray should both be terminal resorts. The deport needs to be on top of you to use either. Merely follow all the safety procedures, make racket, keep 100yds distance if possible, go on food in locked cars or conduct boxes, etc. and you will be fine. I experience safer surrounded by wildlife than I do effectually people. But if a bear does come into your site, proceed your spray on you, and keep the nearest ranger's station stored in your phone and alert them of a bear sighting in a camp.
  9. HORSE FEATHERS!! That'south cool across conventionalities!! What y'all need is a REASONABLE belief the bear is going to assault.
  10. Simply left Yellowstone today after a 3-mean solar day visit. No bug at all. The Visitor Centers are posted for firearms, of class, but I didn't observe signs at the other couple of shops I entered. I didn't see anyone open carrying, but I'd be surprised if there weren't a lot of folks carrying concealed.

    The numbers of elk, bison, behave, deer, etc. nosotros saw was simply amazing. By all means visit the park. Simply follow the rules about your firearm and yous won't take whatsoever problems.

  11. Annihilation that resembles poaching is going to be looked at very closely, and they do non want plinking or target shooting in the park. Well and good. But the article is only off base in and so many ways. I read the comments, and one of the unintended consequences of this kind of propaganda is that if there is a legitimate cocky defense against a bear, apparently people who believe they'll exist going to jail for firing in self defense are maxim they will not report the incident.
  12. Exactly.

    And poachers don't contact the rangers to report that they just shot a bear in self defense.

    It's very unlikely someone volition demand to impale an creature to ward off an attack, merely it does happen one time in a blue moon. If it does, report information technology immediately and be truthful about the circumstances.

    And then write an article about information technology for the Yellowstone Insider and encounter if they'll impress the truth. :)

  13. Summary: Curtained comport is legal. Utilise in an evidently true and factual self-defence situation will result but in the usual post-shooting hassle which occurs everywhere.

    Casual shooting is begging for problem.

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